Chandan Yatra
Chandan Yatra is the most religious festval celebrated in the shrine of Jagannath Temple at Puri. Lord Jagannath gave a direct instruction to the founder of Jagannath Temple King Indradyumna to perform Chandan Yatra during the time summer. The festival starting from Akshaya Trutiya the third day of the waxing moon of Vaisakha month for twenty one days. Chandan Yatra, the name of the festival is very symbolic as sandal paste popularly known as chandan and water are its inseparable constituents. that is why the festival is held in the month of Vaisakha, a time when the summer heat is at its peak and sandel paste and water are essential to keep the people cool. Similar to human beings, the Hindu deities, who are modeled on human behavior pattern only, are also treated the same way. This festival is very famous and colorful next to Ratha Yatra (Car festival). It is the longest Yatra of Lord Jagannath. The representative image of the God set up in places of worship ...